
The NameProfiler databases are split into 6 modules that can be used alone as well as in combination with each other.

The names in the NameProfiler databases are enhanced with numerous properties, and the data is constantly maintained and expanded by our team.

NameProfiler Databases

  • Given Names: currently over 150,000 first names worldwide
  • Surnames: currently over 750,000 family names worldwide
  • Fake Names: with risk profile to warn against misleading database entries (Donald Duck)
  • Named Entities: personal names, place names, organization and product names, and their relations to each other
  • Professions: categorized professions
  • Business sectors: categorized business sectors

Database Formats

Our databases are available in the following formats:
  • CSV comma separated values, database independent
  • MySQL dumps for versions 3, 4, and 5
  • MsSQL dumps for version 2005, 2008
  • Oracle dumps for version 10, 11

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The ending "-san" in Japanese names is an honorific used by people when referring to someone else. It is not part of the name itself. It can be applied either to a first or last name. Example: Yamamoto-san.
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