Possibilities and limits
With simple configuration, many names can be extracted and enhanced with additional attributes like gender.To prevent false results ("false positives"), some possible matches are omitted in the configuration. By using additional syntax rules more names can be extracted. This is especially useful when the syntax of the source data is known.
Examples of exceptions:
- Names like something@lastname are ignored because they're mostly company names.
- Names like something@tjones or something@tomj (abbreviations in the domain name) are ignored because they bring up too many false results.
- Lower case non-separated flipped names like jonestom@something are omitted. (but not JonesTom@something or jones_tom@something)
- Lower case joined names can cause problems: jonestom@something: misinterpreted as "jone s tom", can be caught with configuration.
Use Case
Even if you only collect email addresses without names for your newsletter: Always use a personal salutation in your communications; in business correspondence, in direct mailings, and in electronic newsletters.» Contact