Name Parser

The name parser identifies partial names from a full name or address line:

  • Given name (William)
  • Family name (Clinton)
  • Title (President)
  • Nickname (Bill)
  • Salutation (Mr)
  • Qualifier (Junior)

Cultural differences can make this process especially difficult. The "last name" can occur first, a given name can be used as last name, first names can be of different gender depending on language, and sometimes there are many possible answers.

In many Arabic speaking countries there is no "last name". Arabs can be known and called in different ways, and so their names require a separate parsing.

After extracting the partial names, other software like Name-Profiler can be used to discover more information about the person, like gender, geographical origin, language, and age.» Contact

With Romanian names it is hard to tell which is the given and which the family name. Most names - for example Gheorghe or Radu - can be either. Before Communism, the writing order was firstname lastname, then it was changed to lastname first for 40 years, and now it is switching back again. So what we have now is a complete mix-up.
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